CSTM Xprmntl 03
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1 style
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Согласно Книге рекордов Гиннесса, больше всего букв в алфавите кхмерского языка
Согласно Книге рекордов Гиннесса, больше всего букв в алфавите кхмерского языка
The Lifelong Republicans Who Love Bernie Sanders
Исследуется механизм спонтанно возникающих и саморазрушающихся коммуникаций.
Исследуется механизм спонтанно возникающих и саморазрушающихся коммуникаций.
Вместе получается: «Неделима наша доля. Наша ноша нелегка». 
Или как будто бы кто-то невидимый подкрадется сзади, положит руки тебе на плечи и засмеется таким знакомым смехом, что и слез не сдержать 
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What happens if we combine two medieval styles, Blackletter and the old Russian Ustav? Please meet CSTM Xprmntl 03, a new display tool designed by Yury Ostromentsky, CSTM Fonts. CSTM Xprmntl 03 has three styles: concise and contemporary uncial Cyrillic, angular and rhythmic gothic Blackletter, and the in-between — Medium. The most interesting thing happens exactly halfway between two poles of interpolation: such letters as a, k, y, х proved to be the most stubborn, and they have completely different forms in two scripts. The eccentricities of the in-between didn’t go anywhere, while all the conflicts were resolved — and this is how Medium style was born, the one with peculiar, glitchy curves.


Standard ligatures, one stylistic set


Afrikaans, Azeri (lat), Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, Gaelic (Irish), Galician, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Kurdish (lat), Latvian, Lithuanian, Mongolian (lat), Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uzbek (lat)


CSTM Fonts

Ilya Ruderman and Yury Ostromentsky (CSTM Fonts)

They are both graphic and type designers. Founders of CSTM Fonts (2014) type foundry and a new font distributor (2016).

Graduated from Moscow State University of Print (Graphic Design Department), where they took Alexander Tarbeev’s classes. Later Ilya Ruderman graduated from Type & Media (Royal Academy of Art), the Hague, the Netherlands. After graduation he was a tutor of Type&Typography course at British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow (2008-2015), was an art-director of information agency RIA Novosti. He is an author of cyrillic versions of such typeface as Lava, Graphik, Neutraface and others, that was made for such studios as Typotheque, Commercial Type, Typonine and House Industries. He is an author of: Permian typeface, Big City Grotesque and several other corporate typefaces.

Before 2013 Yury Ostromentsky worked mostly as an editorial designer and art-director of BigCity Magazine, where he used his personal lettering, that was the base of the Pilar typeface, released by CSTM Fonts last year. He is an author of several book series designs and logotypes.

Both typefaces of Ilya Ruderman and Yury Ostromentsky were the winners of such type design competitions as Modern Cyrillic 2009, Modern Cyrillic 2014, Granshan 2011, European Design Award 2012. Kazimir typeface and Tele2 Typefamily, the CSTM Fonts’s latest releases, were among the winners of Granshan 2015.

Yury Ostromentsky

Graphic and type designer, co-founder of store. Graduate of the Moscow State University of Printing Arts (Department of Arts and Technical Design of Printed Materials). Yury worked as a designer and art director for publishers and design studios. From 2004 to 2012, he was art director with Bolshoy Gorod (Big City) magazine. In 2004, he and lya Ruderman, Dmitry Yakovlev, and Daria Yarzhambek launched the DailyType webpage. Later in 2014, Yury and Ilya Ruderman founded CSTM Fonts type design studio which released Pilar, Big City Grotesque, Kazimir, Navigo, Normalidad, RIA Typeface, Lurk, Loos, Maregraph typefaces and CSTM Xprmntl series, as well as Cyrillic versions of Druk, Graphik, Spectral, Stratos and Apoc. The works by Ostromentsky and CSTM Fonts were awarded by European Design Award, Granshan and Modern Cyrillic Competition.