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1 style
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Light 170
А это я в трусах и в майке под одеялом с головой бегу по солнечной лужайке, и мой сурок со мной
А это я в трусах и в майке под одеялом с головой бегу по солнечной лужайке, и мой сурок со мной
The Lifelong Republicans Who Love Bernie Sanders
Light 170
The Latin alphabet was used in the earliest Asturian texts. Although the Academia de la Llingua Asturiana published orthographic rules in 1981, different spelling rules are used in Terra de Miranda.
The Latin alphabet was used in the earliest Asturian texts. Although the Academia de la Llingua Asturiana published orthographic rules in 1981, different spelling rules are used in Terra de Miranda.
Исследуется механизм спонтанно возникающих и саморазрушающихся коммуникаций. 
Или как будто бы кто-то невидимый подкрадется сзади, положит руки тебе на плечи и засмеется таким знакомым смехом, что и слез не сдержать 
Full codepage

Dusseldot has three main styles, one of which is a classic font as we know it, and two are abstract forms, which represent the movement of a person walking through Düsseldorf, recorded through GPS tracking. Variability allows one style to flow into another smoothly; this deformation can be stopped at any point, isolating the movement within phases. It enables the creation of twisted glyphs. Dusseldot supports most European languages ​​and Cyrillic.


Afrikaans, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Gaelic (Irish), Galician, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Kurdish (lat), Latvian, Lithuanian, Mongolian (lat), Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Uzbek (lat)


Ilya Bazhanov

Ilya is an artist, type and graphic designer. His fascination with street art has led him to typography and visual arts. Ilya received a diploma in graphic design from the Russian-British Institute of Management (Chelyabinsk). He graduated from the Faculty of Arts and Design at UJEP (Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic). During his studies, he studied at the HSD University of Applied Sciences (Düsseldorf, Germany). He is now at the Graduate School of Applied Arts in Prague, UMPRUM, at the font and typography studio. His Thaw font was awarded at the “Modern Cyrillic 2019.” He participated in exhibitions in the Czech Republic, Russia, Poland, and Slovakia.

Maks Barbulovic

Studies communication design in Hochschule Düsseldorf (Germany). Took part in an internship program at École Nationale Supérieure d’Art et de Design (Nancy, France). Even though illustration and drawing had a great impact on his work, Maks now focuses on typography, editorial, and type design.